27 May 2013

How to add tab in virtuemart Product details page !!!!!

How to add tab in VM 2 Product Page
Or you can use Tabs and Tabber plugin from Joomlaworks.net

Joomla 2.5 Page Class Suffix

I was searching around the other day trying to find a way to add the page class suffix in Joomla 2.5 to the body as a class. This is very simple (and well documented) in Joomla 1.5 but Joomla 2.5 was proving to be a bit harder. In the end I came across the solution and posted it in the Joomla forums.

The code is very easy to implement just follow these instructions.

First of all add the following code to the top of the index.php file in your Joomla 2.5 template, below:

<?php defined('_JEXEC') or die;

$app = JFactory::getApplication('site');
$pageclass = & $app->getParams('com_content');
Now replace the opening <body> tag with this:

<body class="<?php echo $pageclass ->get('pageclass_sfx'); ?>">

23 May 2013

How to upgrade Joomla 1.0 to Joomla 2.5 or 3.0 step by step tutorial.

Documentaion for Upgrading Joomla 1.0 to Joomla 2.5 or 3.0 step by step:

  1. In first step you have create a  migration sql file for Joomla 1.5. Using Migrator component  for  Joomla 1.0  you can do this easily. So follow the following  steps:::

Firstly ,You have to login into Joomla 1.0 using admin user name and password.

After login into admin panel you have to  install Joomla 1.0 to Joomla 1.5 migrator  component . Then go->Components->Migrator

After  going to migrator component  follow the following :


  1. As you download the migration sql file. Then you have to download  joomla 1.5 latest version from http://joomla.org.

After downloading  Joomla 1.5.26 as latest stable version.

Then follow  the  following steps:

 After downloading it , extract it .Extracted folder, I   rename it according to project name or as your wish. Suppose I  rename it as “upgrade15”  and put into your htdocs folder.
Then your url will http://localhost/upgrade15

Then follow the following steps:

In your installation step-> Main Configuration




  1. Now  final step for upgrading  Joomla 1.5 to Joomla 2.5

Using Jupgrade component you can do it easily.
First login into  Joomla 1.5 I.e 
as like  Joomla 1.0
Then install jugrade component from extension manager. After installing ->
Go-> Components-> Jupgrade

After completing  installation, you see folder jupgrade in your Joomla 1.5 package

By using Those steps you can upgrade Joomla 1.0 to  Joomla  2.5.
If you want to upgrade this Joomla 2.5 to Joomla 3.0
You have to Just download joomla 3.1.1  upgrade package from Joomla.org
Then install it using extension  manager installation process-> Just install that downloaded upgraded package.
Then your site will migrate into  Joomla 2.5 into Joomla 3